
Friday, December 14, 2012

December 17th, 2012

We survived the first winter storm, and the roads in Rochester are open again.

Our crews are working on the 2013 chipseal prep list is the southeast by doing some belt-loading. There are single lane closures involved with this task.

Annual bridge inspections are being performed in the southeast and southwest county, this should cause no traffic impediments.

Also in the southwest, we have vegetation and brush removal. This process may inviolve some single lane closures, so watch for the work zone signs and flaggers.

And finally, in the NPDES zones, sweepers are sweeping, with no lane restrictions, but watch for stops. Also in the NPDES zones, catch basin and culvert cleaning, with single lane closures.

The weather is starting to get colder and wetter. Remember, for emergency information check out Thurston County Emergency Management's website (and our's too)

The staff of Thurston County Public Works wishes your family a safe and happy holiday!