
Friday, November 16, 2012

Week of November 19th, 2012

Thurston County Offices will be closed Thursday and Friday November 22 and 23 for the celebration of Thanksgiving. 
Our road operations crews sign up to be on-call to respond to emergencies if needed. They are also prepared to return to work for emergency operations if conditions require it.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming....

In preparation for the winter road conditions we will have the chefs mixing up a special batch of yummy anti-icing brine at our Operations facility.  This is the stuff that they put down on the road that forms a barrier that helps to prevent ice from forming on the road surface. The crews apply it to places that are likely to freeze such as bridges, overpasses, hills, and intersections.   The road needs to be dry for the application, as this is not for melting the ice, but for preventing it from actually bonding to the pavement.  If we get a rain/freeze, or worse, the rain/snow/freeze combo  the anti-icing methods don't work.  That's when we are forced to bring out the old fashioned, mechanical sanders and plows... but, more on that next month! 

Back to this week's projects.
The Black Lake area  Castor canadensis will be undergoing some urban renewal. Crews will be removing some beaver dams in the area. No traffic impacts with this project.

In the NPDES area:
Sweeping and Culvert/Catch-basin maintenance with shadow vehicles.  For work in these areas please refer to this mapFor more information on the NPDES, please visit Thurston County Stormwater Utility's Information Page.

In the Southeast and Southwest:
More gravel road grading and maintenance. No restrictions, but watch for the trucks and equipment if they are on your road. There may be a brief delay while they dump and spread gravel.

Happy Thanksgiving from TCPW
The Staff of Thurston County Public Works would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
photo ©2011kathrynibrenner