
Friday, June 8, 2012

Week of June 11th, 2012

Although it sounds rather lame, much of our maintenance work is "weather dependent". For example, if the pavement is wet or it is raining we can't apply the oil for paving or chip-seal, or chip-seal prep. If the pavement is too cold, the oil won't bond. If the air is too warm, it's takes a long time to cure.  So, with that in mind, we present our schedule for the coming week.

In Scott Lake Subdivision, City of Rainier, and the rest of the chip-seal roads in the SW of the county: Fog seal, Asphalt repair, and crack-sealing. (weather dependent)

In the NPDES areas: Sweeping and Catchbasin/culvert cleaning.

Main arterials throughout the county will see mowing operations. 

Please watch for our workers and obey all traffic control personnel and work zone directions for your safety and ours!

For questions regarding our projects call 360-867-2300. 

To submit a service request for work to be done, visit our website.